26th Development Forum 2023
The Industrial Systems Institute successfully participated in the 26th Development Forum 2023 in Patras, Greece on November 18-19, 2023.
The forum was attended by different stakeholders of the area of Western Greece coming from policy making, academia and research, business world and the civil society.
The Industrial Systems Institute organized a session on “6 Generation networks: Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Applications” coordinated by collaborating professor Christos Verykoukis. The session included speeches from Mr Georgios Oikonomou of Juniper Networks on “Technological evolutions driving the development of modern cellular networks”, Dr Vasilios Theodorou of Intracom Telecom on “An intelligent continuum from cloud computing to network edge for the support of next generation applications”, Dr Ioannis Chochliouros of OTE on “OTE group activities related to 6G and AI”, Dr Christos Alexakos of the Industrial Systems Institute on “the application of 6G networks in Industry 5.0”, and Ass. Professor Christos Antonopoulos of the University of Peloponnese on “Infrastructure, Education and Research as leverage for 6G and AI in Universities”.
Furthermore, the Institute director Professor Chrysostomos Stylios participated as a speaker in a session organized by the Federation of Enterprises and Industries of Peloponnese and Western Greece speaking about “Cutting edge technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution and their applications in Health”.