4th JST ERCIM Joint Workshop 2023
The Industrial Systems Institute participated in the 4th Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) / European Research Consortium on Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) Joint Workshop 2023 in Kyoto, Japan on October 3-5, 2023. The Workshop is attended by the Institute Director Professor Chrysostomos Stylios and Research Director Dr Aris Lalos.
The workshop “Exploring New Research Challenges and Collaborations in AI/BD/HCI/IoT” presented recent results and emerging R&D work conducted in European institutions and in the context of the JST AIP (Advanced Integrated Intelligence Platform) project in Japan. The event provided an opportunity to its European and Japanese participants to be updated with recent research results in this area, as well as to consider collaboration prospects that may arise in the context of European programs and the relevant counterpart initiatives of JST.