SOSVITI Kick off Meeting
A successful kick of meeting of SoSViti project on December 18, 2024.
The information day of the project “SUSTAMED – Sustainable Medical Waste Management”, organized by the Industrial Systems Institute of Athena Research Center at the Elefsina Hotel in Elefsina, was successfully completed yesterday, December 16, 202
Gnomi Infoday
The Project Sustainable was presented by the Industrial Systems Institute of the Athena Research Center in the infoday entit
GRECALE Kick off Meeting
A successful kick off meeting of the Interreg IPA ADRION GRECALE project on December 10, 2024 in Komotini, Greece.
ATHENA Forum 2024
On November 28, 2024, in the hall of the Benaki Museum Cultural Center, the Athena Research Center organized #AthenaForum2024, a premier event dedicated to digital technologies that brought together leading figures from the business, political, ac
Information event in Amaliada
The Industrial Systems Institute participated in a successful information event organized by the Region of Western Greece in Amaliada on November 27, 2024.
ASM2S Project Workshop
The Industrial Systems Institute organizes the ASM2S workshop, a dissemination event for the Automated Synthesis of Runtime Monitors for Safe and Secure Distributed Industrial Systems (ASM2S) project.
27th Development Forum
The Industrial Systems Institute of the Athena Research Center had an active and multidimensional presence at the 27th Development Forum (Development Forum Network), with the central thematic section “Transition”, which took place on 23 and 24 Nov
Libeccio project Infoday in Patras
The EuroMed Tourism Innovation Platform that is under formation in the context of Interreg Euro-MED Programme Libeccio project was presented in the infoday organized by the Industrial
Publicity at ERT News
Publicity at ERT News: Greece at the top of Technology – The Institute of Industrial Systems of the ATHENS University of Technology, a pioneer in 6G technology