Ms. Lidia Pocero

  • pocero [at]

Ms. Lidia Pocero

Collaborating Researchers
Senior Telecommunication Engineer

Member of ISI's Research Area Groups

CV in Brief

Lidia Pocero Fraile is a Collaborating Researcher in the Industrial Systems Institute of ATHENA Research and Innovation Center, Greece. She holds a Dipl. Eng. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Valladolid, Spain, and the M.Sc. In Integrated Software and Hardware Systems from the Department of Computer Engineering an Informatics of the University of Patras, Greece.

Her main research activity is related to IoT, Edge Embedded Systems security with focus on industrial and critical infrastructure, integration and implementation of security and IoT communication protocols for embedded OSes. She has multi-year experience in building automation using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and IoT development working on several European projects since 2012.