6G mobile networks are envisioned as the networking infrastructure that will be able to handle all types of applications and to provide service to massive numbers of users. In this complex and dynamic network ecosystem, an end-to-end performance analysis and optimization will be key features, in order to effectively manage the diverse requirements imposed by multiple vertical industries over the same shared infrastructure. To enable such a vision, the ENABLE-6G targets the development and evaluation of a complete framework for the management and orchestration of network resources in 6G networks, by utilizing a converged optical-wireless network infrastructure in the access and fronthaul/midhaul segments. ENABLE-6G targets the design of novel cell-free based solutions that allows the significant scaling up of the wireless APs in a cost-effective manner, by exploiting the application of the distributed cell-free concept and of the serial fronthaul approach. At the network and service management domain, the design philosophy of ENABLE-6G is to provide a comprehensive framework for the management of the entire set of communication and computational network resources by exploiting novel ML-based algorithms of both edge and midhaul DCs, by incorporating a new multi-tier Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) federation approach. Finally, ENABLE-6G will carry out a series of experiments as an outcome of the proof-of-concept phase to demonstrate the ability of all of its targeted developed technologies to cover ENABLE-6G’s technical objective, with strong market potentials.

24 months
Project Types
National Research Projects
Funding Agency
Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation – Basic Research Financing (Horizontal support for all Sciences)