Collaborating Researchers Researcher
Collaborating Researchers Reasearcher
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at the Signal Theory and Communications Department, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Collaborating Researchers PhD candidate at University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate on Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept of University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept of University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at University of Ioannina
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at Computer Engineering and Informatics Dept of University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers Postgraduate researcher at University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers Senior Telecommunication Engineer
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics Department of University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at the Technical University of Catalonia
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept of University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Ioannina
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Dept of University of Patras
Collaborating Researchers
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Peloponnese
Collaborating Researchers PhD Candidate at Mechanical & Aeronautic Engineering Dept of Unviersity of Patras
Collaborating Researchers PhD. candidate in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics Department of University of Patras