Mr. Alexander El-Kandy

Mr. Alexander El-Kandy

Collaborating Researchers
PhD Candidate at Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept of University of Patras

CV in Brief

Born in Athens, he studied as an electrical and computer engineer at the department in University of Patras 2010-2015, where he graduated with a grade of 8.22/10. His diploma thesis lasted about 1.5 year and was focused in the implementation, automation of code generation in Register-transfer level (RTL) of various sizes through Python and finally the measurement and analysis of produced circuits on Virtex-7 board at 150Mhz.
He worked as Junior Hardware Developer/Engineer initially in LN2 startup company 2016-2019, where he independently implemented various parallel and serial architectures of Viterbi Decoder(Software and Hardware models), up to the fabrication stage, ending up in Mid-Hardware System Engineer position.
In 2020 he started his involvement with Industrial System Institute (ISI). Programming in Embedded platforms, using Xilinx production-flow based on Vitis (Vitis, Petalinux, Vivado, OpenCL, RTL-kernels). At the same time in 2021 he began his doctorate at the University of Patras on new methods of cryptography and techniques such as Elliptic Curves. His goal is to implement on various accelerated platforms through the OpenCL language, as well as to implement and optimize based on RTL and finally compare them.